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Milanese Aesthetics

“A designer is a planner with an aesthetic sense” Bruno Munari The concept of true “Atelier Automobiles” is almost if...

Sport Ultra Plus

Proper, full-on press presentations are rare those days. Covid definitely gave a kick forward to digitalization and it has been...

Big Brawlers

The X5 and X6M’s are perhaps the most competitive SUV’s you can find today. Competing against the GLC and Aston...

Pretty Little Things

We must admit it: we couldn’t resist the charm of the new Fiat 500e. It’s one of the most well...

It might get loud

Hearing the roar of the ex Maria Teresa De Filippis 1954 Maserati 250 F accelerating hard out of the Saint...


There’s a massive emotion in passing through the gates of the Balocco Test Track. Sometimes fate aligns all planets and...

Goes to 11!

In the Alfa vocabulary, there are some words that immediately will call the attention of any devoted Alfista: Ti, Veloce,...


If you hear the name Opel Omega Lotus, you should believe the hype: it’s the cult-hero that you won’t be...

Point of balance

The BMW 3 series has always been the car which has represented a remarkable equilibrium in its class. A classic,...

Riviera Bimmers

In Italy, the so-called “phase 2” has just begun and people are slowly coming back to life. Steadily and with...

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