Cars & Coffee is where 100 octane come to meet with caffeine and enjoy a day together in an overdose of enjoyment. Events like these will put a smile on your face that will remain for days.
More importantly, C&C is a place where you can meet your friends and hang out for a whole day with the best of the best. No other car rally can match the fresh spirit of cars from different makes and ages sharing the same place together.
For supercar owners it’s more than a good excuse to take out their beloved machines and head out to a full day of fun at some of Italy’s best locations. For car nuts like us, it’s a pretty realistic representation of Heaven on Earth.
For the Turin event, our friends at Cars&Coffee Italy choose Principato di Lucedio, an ancient abbey who’s now a rice farm and a place dedicated to host events and parties. It’s sure was the ideal place to put some precious metals.
For those who do not know where the name Cars&Coffee comes from, it’s the name of a famed car rally held in Irvine, California. It’s a weekly gathering of all kinds of cars where their owners meet and share a cup of coffee early in the morning.
This formula inspired Italian petrolhead Gabriele Morosini, who decided to adapt this formula to a country like Italy after participating . Organizing this meeting three times a year, he managed to get together rare cars and interesting people.
The atmosphere is unique: all in one place you can have many years of history of the automobile. All of them are roaring on the streets and there are no trailer queens.
Do not think that all cars remain static for all day: in Turin we left early in the afternoon to go and visit the Sparco factory, where we all cars arrived greeted by a huge crowd.
C&C Italy is one of those events that the term “car rally” doesn’t make it justice. It’s a proper celebration of car culture in all its forms.