Escapes Category Archives

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Singular Mission

Driving exotic cars inevitably causes strangers to approach and ask about the car you are driving. Far and away, the...

Learning to Fly

Is there a better way to fly? Few inches from the ground, the pleasant roar of a V8 and the...

Mondieu! C’est la Berlinette Bleu!

“I chose the name Alpine for my company because for me, this is an adjective that epitomizes the pleasure of...

8-Bit All Wheel Drive

As driving enthusiasts, we crave purity. Our ideal car is transparent and communicative about what it’s doing and has a...

Jurassic Park

Click-click. So much satisfaction in a simple sound. Put it this way: the reason behind the premium that modern manual...

Miura Roadtrippin’

I suspect that every car enthusiast has at least one car that is, for them, so much more than a...

Super Sport Shakedown!

“Look at this beauty… let me take a picture! Che bella!”. Loris Bicocchi is still a boy at heart. If...

Zero Reunited

“Rallying is the most interesting kind of motor sport that you can do. It’s a challenge. You  need to have...

The New Toyota Supra

“To be or not to be, that is the question.” Shakespearian lucubrations do come into your mind when driving the...

Adding Lightness

For hard-core petrolheads, preserving a car’s integrity is driving it at any chance. Sure enough that cars like the 205...

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